Crystal Meanings, Power, Purpose and Intention
We are here to share how to use our intention to go deep inside to embody trust that everything is put here for our healing.
Most of us grow up with a love affair with stones, minerals and crystals. We share them with one another. We encircle our home and gardens with these precious treasures.
Our understanding of crystals within a healing and spiritual development blends with the principles of western medicine, homeopathy and psychology.
What are the major arcana of gemstones? How do they relate to the traditional archetypes? How can they help us develop a deepen our ability to find solutions to current issues, or create a more heart-centered life?
Many healing traditions incorporate healing therapies using crystals. Indigenous remedies are often enhanced through the added influence of potent properties from the mineral world. While the specifics of ritual practice with crystals varies greatly among tribes and practitioners, the basic concepts of crystal healing remains the same. I have worked with crystals for many years and have nurtured one of my most treasured relationships with the healing qualities of stones.
Welcome to an exploration of crystal therapy, meditation, gifting, education and awakening.
- Learn which crystals will open your chakras and empower your psyche
- Tune in to enhance your prayers and clarify the impact of your meditation practices
- Select from an array of beautiful jewelry to keep focus on your specific desires
- Select inexpensive give-away crystals to share with and inspire loved ones
- And, find that charged centerpiece crystal to deepen your intuitive practice
Crystals are based on subtle energies and “working with” crystals we become the medium for the energetic qualities of the stone. Intention is a huge part of healing with crystals, but it is not acting or faking it. Connecting to the essence of the stone is based in our own biochemical experience.
I have long used crystals in massage therapy and see over and over that they are catalysts that can encourage change. Crystals “inform” the body of potential and by removing stuck energy, memories, grief and trauma.
Outside of ourselves they produce resonate with an energetic universe and help us develop patterns towards harmony during. I term this as vibrational wisdom.
Below is a chart of some of the crystals, their properties and meanings. You might also refer to the book, Love is in the Earth or one of the editions of Crystal Bible.
- Agate - discerns the truth, accepts circumstances, powerful emotional healer.
- Amber- calming for hyperactivity and stressed nerves, finds humor and joy.
- Amethyst - encourages inner peace, fights addictive behavior, transforms energy.
- Ametrine - dispels negativity, aids decision making, meditation, relieves stress.
- Carnelian - releases sorrow, envy, fear, apathy, and rage.
- Charoite - accelerates spiritual growth, enhances self-esteem, and ability to love.
- Citrine - cleans auras, detoxifies the body, aids tissue regeneration.
- Copper - soothes arthritis, releases restrictions, stimulates initiative and optimism.
- Fluorite - aids comprehension, strengthens teeth and bones, stabilizing and calming.
- Jade - reduces eyestrain and negativity, promotes longevity, dreams.
- Jasper - powerful physical healer, protects against negativity.
- Labradorite - brings recognition of destiny, connects one with the elements.
- Lapis Lazuli - strengthens total awareness, ESP, skeleton, thyroid, creativity.
- Opal - recalls past lives, aids inner beauty, faithfulness, and eyesight.
- Quartz - programmable stone, breaks bad habits, headaches, channeling stone.
- Rose Quartz - reduces weight, wrinkles; increases self-assuredness, love stone.
- Rutilated Quartz - excellent for birthing process, enhances energy in other stones.
- Silver - energy conductor, eases stress and improves speech, feminine energy.
- Smokey Quartz - relieves depression, tension, balances sexual energies.
- Sugilite - aids physical healing, reduces stress, strengthens heart, emotional balancer.
- Tanzanite - expression in all forms including voice, commitment and truth
- Tiger Eye - psychic protector, great for business, helps achieve clarity.
- Tourmaline - relieves fatigue, anemia, increases success and love.
- Turquoise - friendship, mental relaxation, respiratory system.